Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Zotero Project Presentation and Progress

Zotero Presentation

Below is a copy of my presentation to the F/OSS course on my project involving contributing to the Zotero Community and introducing Zotero to teachers (and students) in the high school setting.

This week in the Zotero Project

I've been delving farther into the public documentation for Zotero. There are a number of links that are no longer valid and lead to "404"s. I decided that I would contact each of the institutions involved, explain the situation and ask them if they have new valid links or if they wish the links to be removed.

In a couple of situations, the institutions were not aware that there were still links to their sites. For example, the reference librarian at the University of Baltimore, Langsdale Library had put up a tutorial page in 2010 but the page is no longer live.

In addition, I am working on a "quick start" guide for the K12 community that will allow teachers to get up and running with Zotero accounts that are specifically intended for use with K12 students and classes without have to work their way through the mass of existing documentation and the frustration of dead academic links.

Zotero Project in the School

I am continuing to work on the Rapid Prototyping of my instructional design for the summer pilot I will be offering. One of the things I have found out is that the digital skill level of many of the teachers has progressed in the past two years. The last major implementation I did was to introduce a Google Apps subdomain. At that time, the level of comfort with learning online applications was very inconsistent. Some teachers were able to use many of the tools with very little introduction but many others were bewildered by the idea of online collaboration and knowledge production. The teachers with whom I have been working during the past few weeks have been able to apprehend the basic features of Zotero very quickly. They are also very excited about the possibilities for collaborative activities that Zotero provides.